Friday, November 19, 2010

How do you repay your mother for giving you life?

I guess I could be called a ';mama's boy';, and all that, but I don't deny it either. Me and my mom have always been best friends it seemed, and she's given me and my sister everything. I feel extremely devoted to my mother for everything, and I get mad at my father when he does anything that makes my mother sad or makes a rude joke or something like that. I think at least once a day though, about how grateful I am for my mother, one day a while back it seemed I just had an epiphany. My mother didn't abort me, she didn't leave me, she dealt with all the crap I gave her, and as far as I know she's never gotten mad at me. Sometimes I hate myself for being too tired or too busy to do something she asks me to, or I hurry phone calls, or I get agitated or just stupid crap like that. I'm the same way with my grandmother as well, to the same intensity even.

How do you repay your mother for giving you the gift of life? She's the reason I'm here right now, and a good christmas present just doesn't seem to quite stack up.How do you repay your mother for giving you life?
Your devotion to your mother and your appreciation of her is already a great gift. Motherhood is often a thankless job, and the fact that you are obviously thankful is already touching.

Express your appreciation and try to follow up by spending more time with her (and your grandmother). As for Christmas gifts, the best ones are highly personalized, perhaps even hand-made... something that shows that you have taken the time to make / choose something that is best for HER. How do you repay your mother for giving you life?
all thye want in return is your love

i do the dishes

and give her grey hair
Just make sure she knows that you love her. Call her up for no reason except to ask her how she is and tell her that you love her, and when you see her hug her. Mothers just want to know that they are loved by the simplest of things, so write her a letter or card telling her what you said in this post and she will be truly moved by it. Trust me, all you need to do is give her the knowledge that she is loved and all of the love that she gave to you was all worth it, simply because you love her.
Although that's a very sweet thing to ask, there's no one answer to that and really, most moms don't expect anything grand as a ';thank you.'; The best reward a mother can receive from her children is to see them grow up to be happy, respectful, generally good human beings. That may mean something different in every family, but if your mom can see you using the lessons she tried so hard to teach you as a child, that is greater than anything you could buy from the mall.

Flowers %26amp; phone calls never hurt though. ;)
The only way I know how to repay my mother is to call her on a regular bases and talk to her, ask about her week, and what she did and what she is going to be doing this week, and just have a conversation. I know it sound lame but of all of her 11 children that she raised, practically alone, I am the only one that does this and she cherishes it. If I do miss a call she tells me she missed me, and then I feel guilty. Gifts from the heart mean more to moms that tangible nick knacks.
all we mothers ever want from our children is to have respect for us and my goal is to raise the best children that i can and to let them know that no matter what ever happens or what ever the situation is i am and always will be there for them so show your mom the same

It seems you have that ';I have the best mom in the world'; syndrome like myself. And to answer your question, you can't. Somethings in this life are invaluable, and this is one of 'em.

She just wants you to live a happy life, one she could look at and be proud of because she knows she had a hand in it. Just continue to love her and show her you care.

You know what's always a good present too? Grand-kids!!! lol.

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