Sunday, December 11, 2011

Mother's or to be... Do you bottle-feed your baby and how do you deal with the breastfeeding fanatics?

Was it by choice that you chose to bottle-feed or for convenience? Just curious and I won't judge anybody!! I'm 28 wks pregnant with #2 (it's a boy!!) and I was going to try and breastfeed this time round after failing with my daughter... I had a lack of milk supply and my nipples are slightly inverted. BUT!! I'm already stressing out and both my husband I have decided to bottlefeed our baby as the stress isn't healthy for nor myself or the baby.

If you are coming on here to make harsh judgements don't even think about it!! This is a friendly discussion!!Mother's or to be... Do you bottle-feed your baby and how do you deal with the breastfeeding fanatics?
I have bottle fed all 3 of my babies, and Ill probably end up bottle feeding my current baby when he is born on Thursday. For me breastfeeding is horribly painful. With my first I didnt get milk for 2 weeks after she was born, the poor girl would have starved to death waiting. I just couldnt do it. I know breast milk has its advantages, but I just couldnt do it.

Now that being said, I could have dwelled on the fact, and been stressed and upset that I was a failure for my baby, but life is just too short for that.

Sometimes we as moms have to make decisions. Not everyone in this world is going to agree with us, not everyone is going to think everything i do for and with my children is the best decision, but it is what it is. I just ignore the fanatics, and know that Im doing what is best for ME. They dont know me, or my baby. As long as my baby is growing and thriving and learning and happy.. thats ALL that matters, in my eyes. I think thats what you have to stick to, to get passed the scoffers.

Congrats on the little boy!!Mother's or to be... Do you bottle-feed your baby and how do you deal with the breastfeeding fanatics?
I pumped my milk out and then fed it to my son and daughter. Congrats!!!
Medical reasons. I couldn't, probably because of my age but for whatever reason, produce milk and the little bits I did were not enough to even give her a mouthful. For that reason I formula fed. If I could have done it I would, and as for the breast feeding fanatics I ignore them. I did it my way and they can do it theirs.
i bottle feed my son because i wanted to its all a pesonal choice yes they say breast is best but formula baby are just as healthy.u shudnt let anyone pressure u into anything u dnt want do what makes u happy and comfortable :) good luck... breat is good but there is nothing wrong with formula if so it wouldnt be an option...
I was not able to nurse my eldest daughter with my husband because she spent a week in the hospital when she was newborn under the bili lights for jaundice. We couldn't hold her other than when we were feeding her and she wouldn't stay awake long enough to nurse so I pumped and gave her breast milk in a bottle. But because I was pumping and not nursing, my production pretty much dried out after that. When people came up to me with their judgments, I just explained that she had medical issues when she was born and couldn't nurse. They pretty much shut up after that. While I am a HUGE fan of breast feeding, what another woman does with her child is her decision. It's SOOO irritating to hear someone berate another mother because she doesn't see or do things the way they do. It's just one of those things about stupid people that bugs me.
I'm almost 32 weeks pregnant with my first baby and I have already decided not to breastfeed.. I have many reasons, and some of the ';breastfeeding fanatics'; would consider most of my reasons selfish, I suppose... I just have several reasons for not wanting to do it. My mind is made up already.. I did my part and got educated about the benefits of breastfeeding before making my decision.. I even attended a breastfeeding class... but still, after all of that, I know that breastfeeding just is not for me.

I do not feel ashamed about it at all.. I know my son will be just fine without breastmilk. I was not breastfed, my sister was not breasted... both of us are just fine and neither one of us was EVER sick as kids, so what they say about babies who are bottle fed having poor immune systems is not totally true..

And no, Big Momma, I'm not lazy.
Bigmomma you are ignorant it is NOT a myth my Grandma, my Mother, and myself NEVER got milk therefore we couldn't breastfed are children. I didn't breastfed cuz of no milk and I just ignored ignorant people like bigmomma or I told them to mind there own business. Do not let people get to you about breastfeeding and as you know bottle fed kids are just as smart healthy etc as breastfed children. Good luck on your labor and delivery.
I tried to breast feed my baby but my milk never came in so all she got was the colostrum in the hospital and by the time we were at home she cried and cried cause she was starving. Now the formula they make is supposed to be just as good as breast milk. My pediatrician put her on Enfamil Lipil with Iron and she was healthy and happy and full and turned out to be a pretty little smart 3 year old if I do say so myself. And as for the breast feeding fanatics, how do you sleep, my child wanted to eat every hour when I was trying it, and it was killing me, pain and no sleep. Another note I judge the moms that breast feed over a year probably worse than they could ever judge me for bottle feeding. Who wants to see a 2 year old that can talk and walk breastfeeding,
I plan on pumping my breast milk and bottlefeeding that way. Once I dry up I will start using formula. I simply tell people that its really none of their business and that they don't know the situation within which i decided not to breast feed. I think its a bit more convenient for MY situation not to breast feed.
I bottle fed my two boys. I take a medication that passes through breast milk and is shown to be harmful to babies, so I can't. My milk never came in fully anyway. Neither did my mom's or my sisters, so I think it must somehow be hereditary.

Anyway, I used to get some serious ';eat sh*t and die'; looks from people when I'd feed my sons out in public. One lady (while I was at the mall one Sunday) had the nerve to come up to me and tell me that formula is poison, God gave me breasts for a reason, etc. I calmly looked at her and said, ';Ma'am, I'm 29 years old and a breast cancer survivor who had a double mastectomy.'; Honest to God the woman turned to color of a tomato, started sputtering and slinked away. That was an awesome day. :D Of course, none of that was true, but I really did feel like a complete failure for not being able to breast feed. It was heart wrenching for me. That old b*tch deserved every guilty feeling that ran though her head that day.

I never really had too many problems after that, honestly. I don't know why.
Big momma- 'Bottle feeding is for lazy mothers' how is sterilizing, mixing, and boiling and cooling water in the middle of the night lazy compared to whipping your boob out???????????

Ok so i breastfed my daughter for over 2 years, it was painful, i never produced much milk, i carried on, i battled through, i did it because, it was EASIER , cheaper, and above all i couldn't be bothered with the preparing of the feeds.

If YOU want to bottle feed that great! its up to you! don't let people put you down for it!, Im breastfeeding for 6 weeks with this one then im on to a bottle, it's a personal choice.

Big Momma- I stopped producing milk after 3 months of breastfeeding. I was crushed. Did I imagine this, oh great one? I believe that you are idiotic.

I don't judge anyone for their reasons. They make a decision, and that is that. People who bottle-feed are opposite of lazy, because it takes a lot more effort to boil the water, fill the bottles, heat the bottles, hold the bottles, then it does to just lift up your shirt and have the milk perfect temperature.

I am going to breastfeed for the second time (if all goes well) for the convinience and for the health of my baby. Breast is better, but bottle fed baby's will do fine as well. It's foolish to criticize people for making a choice. Good luck to everyone!
I've never dealt with the fanatics. I've actually tried to breastfeed and it just didn't work out. Baby hated it and I was uncomfortable. I'm also quite modest/shy so I was to scared to request assistance from a lactation consultant. So I've formula my children and I've always been okay with my choice and I've never been bad mouthed for it. I actually have 2 great daughters that have never had an infections and have never had any serious illness. They've developed fine so I don't think I harmed them by bottle feeding like some suggest.
I chose to bottle feed because I didn't feel comfortable having my son attached to my boob all the time..and for the one who said bottle feeding is for lazy people, that's just stupid and doesn't make takes alot more time to fix and prepare a bottle then lift up your shirt and attach him to your boob...anyways luckily I haven't had to deal with anyone who was like that my family and friend was supportive but don't worry about do what feels son was born with jaundace(sp) and I blamed myself for not breastfeeding come to find out breastfed babies get jaundace alot more than formula fed babies... Our pediatrition said it's not what you feed them it's what you teach them he said if you read and teach them that is what will help them..idk if I answered your ?tion but don't worry about other people tell them when they start raising your kid then they can make decisions until then back off...I chose not to breastfeed and my son is healthy and active...
It's none of my business how anyone feeds their child but I just want to say that breastfeeding mums don't have it so easy as to just 'flop out a boob'. When fully breastfeeding you are the ONLY one who does all the feeding (I know there is expressing) but with bottle feeding you can share the load with your partner.

I don't care about the thumbs down that I get, I'm not judging anyone, just making a point.
I breastfeed %26amp; bottlefeed and it's easier for me to breastfeed than bottlefeed fer sure, I can just whip the boob out, it's already made %26amp; fresh %26amp; warm! Perfect! The bottle I got to mix the water %26amp; formula in the bottle, shake it vigorously to make sure ALL those pesky lumps of formula are out then give it to her and it's not even warm!

But yeah I think everyone should at least try breastfeeding, I can't agree with those women who just feel uncomfortable about it. It's the most natural thing in the world, to me that's like someone choosing to have a c-section because they're uncomfortable because they don't want their baby touching their vagina when they come out. Lol, well that's how I feel it seems like. If you are having a hard time, and trust me, I know how that is, I see a lot of people give up. Do what's best for you, because it's most important for you to be happy or your baby won't be happy %26amp; breast milk is great %26amp; everything but it's not so great that it's worth making you miserable %26amp; your family %26amp; child!

Also I think it's ridiculous that it seems like every single woman I talk to is like...';I had to give up breastfeeding 'cause I wasn't producing enough milk.'; YEAH RIGHT. I'm sure this happens to SOME people... But if this REALLY happened to as many people as say that it happens to...Well...HUMANS WOULDN'T EXIST. We would have gone extinct by now LOL!
lack of milk is just a myth. bottle feeding is for lazy mothers.

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