Thursday, October 21, 2010

How to deal with your MOTHER being gay and her relationships. ?

Ok so my mom has old me she was gay, I was invited over to her house for a get together before I got ready to leave for my flight, Ok so i get there and there this woman is sitting together on the couch they where not kissing or anything. But always doing the baby this and baby that. UGGGGH! Then its like we never get to spend anytime together I think it is the verbal affection and the physical thing is what really gets to me. I am just so CONFUSED! I mean what should I do i feel like i am meaningless. I really just dont understand. What should I do?????????????How to deal with your MOTHER being gay and her relationships. ?
Just try to be cool about it. Even if you don't really feel comfortable with her new life, she's your mom and you should try to be supportive of her. You don't have to ask her about her girlfriends, but listen and tell her you're happy that she's happy if she asks.

:) Good luck. It wont be weird after a while.How to deal with your MOTHER being gay and her relationships. ?
My mom is gay to and i understand you complety. when your mother is around her girflriend just try to act like you would normally and stay calm. If that doesn't work, ask your mom if you two can talk about it. tell her how you feel and that you are really confused and you would like it if she could just spend sometime with you alone without her friend there. i hope this help's
so she cant talk to anyone else or else you will get jealous
Try being happy for her! She is inviting you into her new life (something she may have hid in fear for many years, from reactions such as yours, and even worse)!
You aren't meaningless. If you were then she wouldn't have had you and she definitely wouldn't have invited you over to meet the woman she is seeing. It will be a hard transition, but you will have to make the most of it. Just take one step at a time. You won't ever understand it, but you will have to accept it and just love her for who she is.

It will be weird for a while, but eventually you will adjust.
maybe you should sit down with your mom and really tell her about how you feel. i mean, it may be kind of awkward but at least she'll know and hopefully she'll try to fix it and spend more time with you.

and another thing you can do i pray for your mom.

This is definatley a difficult situation for you. It will take some to get used to the fact that your mom is gay. AFter time, it wwill just be normal. You need to talk to your mom when you two are alone and tell her you are feeling confused. Just be honest and tell her you respect her decision but you still want to spend quality time w/ her. She will understand. Just be truthful. After time, you'll get used to your moms lifestyle.... but it wont happen right away.
This is the single thing that bothers me about the gay community. I dont mind gay, but look what it has done to you.

She is acting like a teen with a new boyfriend, giggly etc etc. Let her get through this part of her relationship.

You can comment to her, that even if it was a new man sitting there, her behaviour was kinda immature, and made you feel uncomforatable, since instead of getting a mothers attention, you got to witness a show put on for your benefit.
well if thats how she feels then dont be selfish. let her have her love. just support her cause thats all that she needs rite now!
I don't think you should feel meaningless.I mean I know what you are going through because my brother came out of the closet not too long ago.I was being a hypocrite for saying I supported gays/lesbians but I wasn't even open to the idea of accepting him.It does take time to get used to but if you do believe in love(any kind of love)then you should take into consideration that that is what your mother has with her significant other.She still loves you but you have to be open to the fact that she may love the woman she is with and that is not the same kind of love that she has for you.I don't know if I helped any but I hope everything turns out well.Don't shut your mother out or the idea of what they have.You don't have to like it too much but just be open to it.
its tough having a gay mom ... but you hav 2 deal wit it or move in with dad...
Tell your mother you can't handle her lifestyle and you'd prefer to see her without having to see her significant other.
Thats disgraceful. She should be ashamed.

If it was me, I don't think I could speak to her again.
Let your Mother live her life , talk to her and tell her you disapprove , but that she is an adult . Tell her why you disagree . There are probably many things you do not know about why she became gay . So live and let live . Sheis still your mother and does not love you any less because she is gay . She just likes women and obviously you do matter , because she had enough gumption to tell you about it and still invite you to her home.
first of all her sexual preference is none of your business. therefore i dont' understand why you are so uptight. i mean so what. you dont' have to sit and listen to this and that. she is your mom and that is all you care about. be that only and be nice to the new person in her life that is all that is required of you you are not marrying them and therefore its for you to find your own way take care and deal with life its not all roses for either of us but this is not your business so why make yourself part of this.
Ughh!! That is gross tell her that your not going to talk to her if she is going to act gay, tell her you are not comfortable with it... You could also say ';Mom if you're gona be gay then im gona do drugs and see what she says';, who knows that might change her mind!!!
Treat them the same way any other child of a divorced mother treats her and her significant other. If the girlfriend treats your mother well, then be happy for them both!

Don't you want your mother to be happy? I'm sure she wants the best for you - can't you open your heart for her?
just leave her be let her do what she want to do she is a grown women and yo u just need to be Happy for her ok
the love that you mom has for you is stronger then the love for any other being in this worl, trust me. you just have to accept the fact that she prefers women over men. that does not change the fact that she is still your mother and she loves you. i bet it will make her super happy if you accepted it. if you were in her position you would want that. be happy for her.

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