Thursday, October 28, 2010

How would you handle the fact that you found out you were the product of an affair your mother had?

And to top it off it was with a person of Middle Eastern Indian race. I detest adultry and found out my mother was having an affair and an Indian was my father. Needless to say I am ashamed and embarrassed. I due to my anglo-saxon up bringing, I cant stand Indians, yet I am one. I hate my mother for the affair and the fact I am a person that I hate. How would you handle something such as this. THe person who should have been my father died when I was one yr old, which is better for me as I look Indian and not white. He was a good man, but probably would have killed me and my mother for her affair. How do you deal witht the fact your mother is a cheater and you are a race that most every American can not stand. I hate that this happend to me as I am very conservative and my culture is anglo, yet I look Indian. People are always asking me what my race is and I have to lie and say Italian as I am ashamed of being Indian.How would you handle the fact that you found out you were the product of an affair your mother had?
This reminds me of the story of the hippo. The hippo was not happy that he was a hippo and so he painted himself with stripes so that he could look like a zebra but no one was fooled. He put a fake horn on his nose so that everyone would think he was a rhino. One day the hippo looks in the mirror and accepts who he is and lives life happy. Happy as a Hippo! OK that was corny but there is a real story to learn from. How can you not like who you are. It is not really about who you are on the outside, but who you are on the inside that matters. Right now who is on the inside of you is not happy and you will never have a productive and fulfilling life until you learn to love yourself for who you are and move on. I think it is ironic that you grew up hating Indians only to find out that you are one. Think about what the other Indians feel like that have no control over who they are and what they look like either?

Just a though,

I'm JoeHow would you handle the fact that you found out you were the product of an affair your mother had?
it would be hard to take, but then again, your mom kept you right? she loves you, right? i didn't read all your details ont he subject so you might have mentioned somethign about it more then i thought. however, as long as it's all good with your mom...i'd let it go.
at the end of the day it's not at all your fault. Be the you that makes you happy. I still don't know who my real father is but we know he's white. Good luck!
ok first ov ol we are human bein no matter what ur race is ..besides think the way ok ur father was an Indian so what? u can not help it n that's some thing outta hand n none ov ne body bzns what ur race is...what if ur father was the president of India or he owned a very famous company still u would have felt the way?
you have to learn to regconise your own heritage. what happen to you is not your fault. however, you choose to hate a certain race , you choose to hate your background and you choose to hate your mom thats your fault. you can keep wasting your energy by hating or you could start looking into your history and heritage to find something positive. unless your mom is being abusive and neglect you. you cant judge her until you live your whole life without making any mistakes....
you can not change your race so you will have to get used to it. and you should be proud to be part indian because it is something most people cant say they are.
WOW. I am Anglosaxon and don't hate people who are middle eastern or Indian. In fact how many Indian people do you know. I have to admit, I know a lot worse Anglo's than I do Indians! Including my cousins, who like you are half and half through their father.

That your mother had an affair is terrible, but from what you have said.... Your ';father'; would have killed both YOU and HER? She probably was looking for support more than sex. I can understand you being hurt, and with time that will fade. Your bigger issue is your own self loathing. You need to talk to some one professional who can really help. You were ashamed of your self before you found out. This is justifying how you already felt.

Indian is not in the middle East, technically it is in Asia Minor. Find out who you are before you just hate everything and every body.
First of all it is not true that most every American can't stand Indians. you are going to have a miserable life if you don't find a way to get rid of all the hate you have for Indians and your mother. she was wrong for having the affair but people make mistakes. she should have told you after your father died and she should not have raised you to hate Indians. you need to go to counseling so you can learn to love yourself no matter what race you are. you should not be ashamed of who you are. I am African-American and i am around a lot of prejudice white people at work and some treat me bad but that doesn't make me hate a whole race of people because some are mean. get to know an Indian person your age and maybe it will change your mind maybe when your stronger with the fact that your part Indian you will want to meet your real father but that has a lot of risks and you have to really check into his background. talk to your mother and tell her how you feel get it out of your system she needs to accept responsibility for the mess she made god bless you and you should pray
There are more of us out there than you can imagine. If DNA test where given to 100 per cent of the population it is said that 56% would be certified bastards. It is one of societies hidden and well kept secrets. It is not within your power to choose your parents. Bloodlines are not pure. History will attest to that. What you look like is your fate. I have seen tragic examples of interracial matings. Some of which end in tragic suicides. Then some of the most beautiful creatures I have ever seen are in high profile positions in the entrainment industry. Women have gone to great lengths to bore off springs of well educated, well endowed, Sport legends, high achievers, etc. Remember Magic Johnson and Charles Limburger who seeded tens of women with no consequence. Count your self lucky that you where not aborted. Life is very precious.

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