Thursday, November 11, 2010

How did you cope with your mother having cancer?

My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 months ago, it has since spread to her bones and lungs. She is in stage 4. I am so scared to loose her, She has been through 1 phase of Chemo and the cancer is getting bigger so she is starting a different one. She is making sure to go over her will and going over what she is leaving me and what I am to do. I am 21 and have a 16 year old sister. Has anyone delt with a parent going through cancer or lost a parent, how do you deal. My mom and I are really close, I dont know what I would do if I were to loose her?How did you cope with your mother having cancer?
i am going through the exact same thing. my mom is in stage 4 of her breast cancer. it is in her bones and spread to her liver. she is going through chemo right now and is taking it well. i cannot even begin to tell you how hard it has been for the fam. there are 4 of us kids ranging from 17-27. i feel your exact pain. ive been sooo worried and have had trouble having faith in God, but for my mom i have to remain strong. she has been battling breast cancer on and off for 17 years. hope lives. she has beat the odds. you need to be there for your mom every step of the way because she needs all the hope and strength she can get. i will be praying for your mom. she can do this. just pray. God can heal her just like he can heal my mom. We have to be strong and have faith. email me with any questions you have or if you wanna talk about it because im in your exact position xcheerxforxlifex@yahoo.comHow did you cope with your mother having cancer?
Please talk to your Mum about your concerns! I have a 22 year old daughter but was dx with BC when I was 41. My daughter was 16. It was not as advanced as your Mum's but I'm here to write you about it (Stage 3). It sounds like your Mum's is spreading quickly but she is doing everything she can to control it. I think you already know how seriously sick she is and so what I'm going to say won't come as a surprise. Your Mum really needs YOU now. I know 21 isn't very old but I know of children who are losing their Mum to BC and they're only 4 and 6. I don't know where you live but there are lots of support groups in most Cities. Join one! In Canada there is a website, it's available to everyone. It has lots of information and support groups for people online. Check it out. There are also websites in the States. I'm new to this so I don't know if my settings include my email, if so email me, I'll try and check. You'll have to be strong for your Mum and sister. BC is a horrible disease. Reach out for some help, just like you've done tonight. If your Mum won't talk to you about your concerns, there are lots of support groups and information available online. PLEASE GO TO THEM! The one I've listed above has chat rooms (so do the American ones) and although geared to Canada, we'd love you to join us. Just reach out like you've done tonight but go to a forum that specifically deals with BC. Remember you are not alone. You and your family are in my prayers.

Love, JC
Oh Hun im so sorry to hear about your mum , stay strong for her , when i lost my dad seven years ago to Non Hodgkin's it was the worse months of my life.. noone wants to see their parents suffer its dreadful, do talk to someone about it , dont keep it all inside you.

Take Care
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