Thursday, October 28, 2010

How do you deal with your boyfriend's crazy mother?

Okay, so my boyfriend leaves for college in a week and a half. I barely get to see him as it is, what with all the stuff I have to do for school and everything. With all his stuff to do, I have no time to drive to his house to see him. But, whenever he asks his mom if he can come over after I'm done with school, she says no. What should I do?How do you deal with your boyfriend's crazy mother?
If he has to ask his mother for permission to come over then there is only one word I can think of... LOSER.How do you deal with your boyfriend's crazy mother?
I would make a surprise visit, one night and bring something nice for the mother, and respect her very much. Or have them over, make a wonderful supper and try to impress the mother. Good Luck hope this helps :) Need advice? Contact !! Awesome service, plus you will always get an answer!! Tell your friends and family! Totaly confidentual and no personal infomation needed!! Just email, ask, and get a responce!! Use Advice091 today! Everybodys doing it!
send her some candles and don't call her crazy behind her back
Honey, If he has to ask his mommy if he can see you before he goes to college then there is something wrong with this picture
He is a bigg boy:S:s why does hee even ask her:S:S
sounds like he is a big momma's boy, get out while you can before it is too late.
omg ur college student and he still ask him mom lesson: pick him up and hang out doent ask her just tell him to tell her that hid going out and he will see his mom later

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