Thursday, October 28, 2010

How do you deal with your friend's mother emotionally abusing her?

My friend's mom is always putting down my friend. She says things like ';your ugly'; ';i wish i never had you'; ';you are so annoying'; Belive me, she DID IT IN FRONT OF ME. Is there anything I can do to help?How do you deal with your friend's mother emotionally abusing her?
not really I'm afraid.calling child protective and telling them the things she says may help at least then her mom will know that others are aware of how she treats her daughter. you can call and remain anonymous. and know one will know it was you. i had this happen when i was young a friend of mines mother did the same kind of thing to her while i was there. i put up with it for a short time, before saying something to her mom. of course her mom told me that i was no longer allowed at her home and told my friend she could not hang out with me.i was happy not to be able to go there any more, and as for my friend. we remained friends, she said that she was thankful that i spoke up but that her mom still treated her the, make the call and turn the mom in that's about all you can do.How do you deal with your friend's mother emotionally abusing her?
Verbal abuse is just as bad as physcial abuse. In fact it is sometimes worse because the scars never fade away. Report her to childrens services or the police, and keep reporting her if they don't listen at first. You are a witness.
You need to tell her that if she does not stop abusing your friend, you will invite your friend to move over to your place. However, do this intervention in public with as many people around as you can, you need to look serious and committed
All you can do is be very nice to your friend. Make sure to tell her that she is a beautiful person and that you are happy to have her around. Stay away from her terrible mother.
tell ur frnd to move in wid u

trust me wen a mum bhaves like dat running away is the best solution
I'm sorry your friend is dealing with this problem, only your friend can make it stop by confronting her mother. If I were your friend I would have to confront her in front of her father. If there is no father figure then that girl needs an intervention. She will be permanently scarred for life. If you can help then talk to your parents about what you can and should do to help her. Good luck
Be supportive of your friend. She certainly need it. She may deny that it bothers her. But trust me it does. Let your friend know that it is abuse. Let her express her feelings or hurts. Let her know its ok to feel what ever she is feeling. When someone is that mean and hurtful to another, especially her daughter. She has serious hurts inside herself that she has no idea how to deal with. That is why abuse is such a cycle. S**t rolls down hill.

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