Sunday, November 21, 2010

What's your opinion?

Here is the situation:

Your mother marries this guy who appears to be a great person, loving, caring, etc... 6 months into the marriage you find out he has been beating her, spitting on her, slamming her head into the ground, etc, and she's had to call the cops to come arrest him because it got so bad. They end up getting an annulment. Your mom is melancholy and keeps talking about how she still loves him and she wishes it could have worked. He, in the meantime, has married ANOTHER woman, and gotten that marriage annulled as well. You and your siblings warn your mother that if she ever goes back to him she will never see her grandchildren because grandpa is a psycho and can't handle himself. You find out that she has now gone back to him..less than a year after getting an annulment from him.

Do you disown your mother, or try to deal with her stupid decision?What's your opinion?
you for sure can't put the grandchildren in danger. i guess you can tell her how you all feel about it and if she decides to go ahead with it and go back to him you might have to not talk to her for awhile. maybe not speaking to her kids and grandkids will be a wake up call. as sad as it is you can't make people make the right decisions, they have to make it for themselves. i understand how sad it must be for you to watch though. i hope it turns out well for you and all involved.What's your opinion?
Disown her. Don't let it happen to her again. You may want her to see a psychiatrist or counselor. I think she's been brainwashed by this guy so do whatever you can. Good luck and I'll be praying for your family!
WOW!!!!! Is this person close to you?!???!? I know it isnt your parents :) they are super cool and got it together (for those wondering!)

I would have to agree on the disowning... some poeple just dont do what is best for them, let alone their families... any woman who would choose a man over her own kids or grandkids safety needs a head check. sad but true.
disown the mother
Disown the mother and disregard all her psychobabble bull crap and know that there's nothing you can do. Talking to her like normal will give her the idea that her decision is acceptable and she will get to have it both ways while knowing that it is just a matter of time before he stops walking on eggshells and lets his true character come out once again.
come on people how can you even possible disown the woman who carried you for 9 months, she gave birth to you. you people truley make me SICK. I tell you what I would do....and I promised myself I would never let myself go, nut this has touched on a subject that really inrages me. If your a man YOU DO NOT PUT YOUR HANDS ON A WOMAN! I do not care what she has done. I would probably end up in prison for putting my hands on him. If ANY MAN was to ever put his hands on my mother or any woman I care for their pain would be legendary even in hell! Im sorry for what you are going through but you need to be there for her and help her...she obviously needs help..DO NOT turn your back on her no matter is she would do it to need to be a bigger person than that! I wish you all the best!!!

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